Strata managers have an important role to play, especially with more people moving into these properties across Sydney. According to the NSW Government website, a strata scheme is a building or group of buildings that has been divided into ‘lots’, for example, a townhouse, apartment, or villa. It may surprise you to know that there are more than 85 000 strata schemes in NSW, proving that this type of dwelling is growing in popularity. However, it is different from freestanding homes in the sense that some of the property is shared, hence the need for specialist management.

A strata manager in NSW like Westside Strata Management can help strata properties to streamline legal compliance and financial aspects such as by-laws and AGM meetings. Let’s take a closer look at what a strata manager does.

What is a strata manager responsible for?

It is important to note that strata managers are different from building managers and strata committees. While they do not typically include property maintenance in their primary duties, some strata managers, like Westside Strata Management, may include defect rectification and safety maintenance in their service offerings. However, a strata manager is usually responsible for the administration of the scheme. This can include explaining by-laws, collecting levies, and sending correspondence.

Duties of a strata manager in NSW

If you are an owner or developer of a strata scheme in NSW, a strata manager can help you significantly since some common areas will be shared with other lot owners in the strata. Below are some of the duties you can expect to be carried out by a strata manager in NSW:

In addition, Westside Strata Management provides additional services for developers, such as assisting with obtaining quotes and insurance, preparing and issuing Section 184 certificates, and liaising with solicitors. More on that here.

Discover the benefits of a strata manager

Elevate your strata plan today with a  strata manager in NSW that brings professionalism and strata expertise to your establishment. Get in touch with Westside Strata management and experience our quality difference.